Approaching photography through the lense of comfort.
With a series of intimate portraits, Berlin-based photographer Iga Drobisz captures thirteen women in their personal environment, exploring the relationship of comfort, trust and feminity — within their bodies, within their homes and between Drobisz and the women themselves. The photographer gave her subjects total freedom to express themselves, an integral part to her photographic approach, making this series a raw documentation of sensuality, self-expression and female kinship. The series is accompanied with a poetic composition of the women’s thoughts and voices written by Marie Wez.
What does comfort mean to you?
safety peace recovery
ease space intimacy
For me, comfort is all about a pleasant & safe environment.
A state of well-being
with a total absence of negativity.
to be myself
to be embraced
& at peace.
What does feeling comfortable in your body mean to you?
It means that I respect my body, feeling the union and love to it, hearing my body whisper / being aware of all parts of my body and appreciating them as they are without complexes or discomfort turning imperfections into strengths to feel truth & ease / Feeling comfortable in my body gives me the security I need in everyday life. Feeling comfortable means I can switch between my masculine and feminine energy whenever I need it. / Feeling comfortable in my body means being at peace with who I am, embracing my unique shape and features, not letting insecurities dictate my confidence. Accepting my flaws. Celebrating my strengths. / I feel free but the feelings about my body often change.
And how does it translate into how you move in the world?
I carry myself with more confidence, I am more open to trying new things expressing myself without fear of judgemen tallowing myself to be present and whole.
I always try to feel comfortable so much that I avoid situations of discomfort, but the comfort of my body translates into space and time, into loving the world by embracing it with the same compassion and patience I offer myself.
Feelings about a body may change, the way you love others and the world can grow and adapt.
But showing kindness, allowing imperfections, celebrating the freedom to be authentic is comfort, is liberation.
Dressed, I feel protected.
Dressed, I feel guided.
Dressed, I feel powerful. In expression of myself. In connection with the world.
Dressed, I feel the power I have gained through my nakedness projected to the outside.
Dressed, I feel empowerd yet it comes with pressure. To fit in. To fulfill expectations.
Dressed, I feel a sense of identity.
I carry my body
Undressed, I often feel vulnerable.
Undressed, I feel liberated.
Undressed, I feel sexy. Connected to my feminine self.
Undressed, I feel unguarded. Exposed, at times.
Undressed, I feel strong.
Undressed, I feel empowered. Connected to my true self. Part of the universe.
I feel free I feel free I feel free I feel free I feel free